Monday 30 December 2013

Happy New Year 2014

Special for my Herbalife's family members & all my beloved friends, May this New Year bring you everlasting Healthy and Happiness. Success in whatever you do and Prosperity for you and your family. Have you had your shake today? :)

Wednesday 25 December 2013

Year 2014...Where would you be??

What is your new year resolution in 2014? Be your OWN BOSS?!

Amazing Work From Home business opportunity for 18-30 years old. International business opportunity over 90+ countries since 1980. Step by step proven success training system provided. Register NOW at

Founder Herbalife_Mark Hughes

Founder Herbalife_Mark Hughes

Herbalife was born from the personal tragedy of Mark Hughes. When Mark was eighteen years old his mother died of an accidental overdose of prescription diet pills.
Since that day, Mark dedicated his life to helping people lose weight and improve their health safely and effectively. In February 1980, Mark Hughes launched Herbalife International!
Sales the first month were $23,000. Then due to the perseverance of Mark Hughes, first year sales sky rocketed to $2 MILLION! Now, 33 years later Herbalife is a multi-national nutrition company doing business in 91 countries with sales in the BILLIONS!

Herbalife is bringing the world together through good nutrition. Mark's dream is to take Herbalife products to every citizen of the planet and provide him or her with the opportunity his mother did not have.  
Mark's physical body was laid to rest in May of the year 2000. He died in his sleep dreaming about ways to help the people of the world improve their health. His spirit will live on forever through anyone that can dream his dreams! We all share in the loss of this great leader and hold close the memories of a great man. For those of you wishing to honour Mark, the family has requested that contributions be made to the Herbalife Family Foundation(HFF) . We share your grief and sadness and can assure you that the company Mark built will continue to prosper and grow. 

Herbalife Unbelievable Growth!

Herbalife started in Beverly Hills, California where it now has the world headquarters. With an aggressive expansion attitude, Herbalife currently operates in 91 countries (as December 2013) and new countries are welcome every year. Cambodia and Azerbaijan became the latest countries to join the Herbalife family. In addition to the international expansion efforts, Herbalife is a company for the future. With major involvement in D.A.R.E. and the creation of the Herbalife Family Foundation, Herbalife is dedicated to improving the lives of all people!
Herbalife emphasizes herbs and other natural ingredients in our weight loss, nutritional and personal care product lines. Our exclusive formulations appeal to the growing consumer interest in herbal and natural products.
Herbalife's annual sales growth from 1980-2012! Consistent growth year and year 
despite the current economical recession and hard financial times!

State of the art

Herbalife continually enhances its communications technology. Through satellite television, fax systems, telephone conference calls and now on the Internet. Herbalife provides a technology suited for almost anyone! Are you ready to be the next diamond in Herbalife?

Thursday 5 December 2013

Why Herbalife Nutrition?

I choose Herbalife Nutrition because I trusted the product. Myself and my husband used this nutrition and both have amazing results!! Herbalife offers nutrition products that emphasise on cellular nutrients and it is not a type of drug!

Besides that, there are some other facts which help me to have better understanding and higher confidence on this nutrition products:

i) Clinical Testing
Herbalife Nutrition is committed to setting the standard by which all nutrition companies are measured. Its program has been through extensive clinical tests and prove safe to all. All of the studies have demonstrated that Herbalife products are safe and effective on both a short term and long term basis. In addition, each batch of Herbalife products is quality-control tested before it is shipped anywhere in the world. Currently, 91 countries Ministry of Health around the world are allowed and proved Herbalife products safe to their citizen. Exp, US, UK, German, Australia, Japan, and etc...

ii) Nutrition Advisory Board
As an extension of the company's commitment to quality and scientific integrity, Herbalife has established a Nutrition Advisory Board (NAB) that made up of award-wining scientists, distinguished doctors and Herbalife diet experts who help educate and train all the independent Distributors on the principles of nutrition, physical activity and healthy lifestyle. Exp, Dr David Heber is included in “The Best Doctors in America” and “Who’s Who in America.” While, Dr. Louis Ignarro were recognised with the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1998 for his discovery of nitric oxide and its range of benefits to the human body.

iii) Quality Assurance
Additionally, from sourcing of raw materials to the delivery of finished products, the quality controls behind Herbalife products are always in place. Herbalife’s raw materials (including botanical ingredients) are sourced from reputable suppliers around the world and are manufactured in accordance with established quality standards. Herbalife products are obligated to follow Herbalife’s written procedures that are verified by periodic audits and inspections.

iv) Food & Drug Administration (FDA)
In 1986 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration thoroughly evaluated the Herbalife Program and issued a statement declaring that all of the Herbalife products were safe. The FDA only approves drugs and medications and does not actually approve any dietary or nutritional food supplements, which is what the Herbalife products are categorised as. In the U.S., all Herbalife products comply with and are labelled according to FDA regulations. Outside of the U.S., Herbalife complies with and are regulated by the various ministries of health and food standards agencies of the more than 90 additional countries where Herbalife does business.

We are just so amazed and so glad that we found Herbalife. We Love Herbalife!!
For more details, please do refer to or pm to

Have you had your shake today?? :)

Our Story with HERBALIFE 

Hi!~ I'm Herbalife Professional Wellness Coach! With Herbalife Nutrition, I changed my life to become healthy and full energetic! Truly Amazing!~  

Before I met Herbalife, myself and my husband was "overweight" bit... I had hormone unbalance and pimples problems since school age... I tried lot of ways, but yet still no result. Through a friend recommend, I met Herbalife Coach. Under his guidance and coaching, after using this healthy products for 2 months, my health problems was gone, totally 4 months I lose up to 10KGss!!

While, My husband David, before also overweight with big tummy like "pregnant 5 months"! After using products, he within 3 months only total lose 13KGss!

Thanks Herbalife!! We Love Herbalife.

*Any of your friends or family members or yourself who might interest or have a need to be healthy and change your life, please do recommend or refer to me.

Have you had your shake today??  :)