Thursday 5 December 2013

Our Story with HERBALIFE 

Hi!~ I'm Herbalife Professional Wellness Coach! With Herbalife Nutrition, I changed my life to become healthy and full energetic! Truly Amazing!~  

Before I met Herbalife, myself and my husband was "overweight" bit... I had hormone unbalance and pimples problems since school age... I tried lot of ways, but yet still no result. Through a friend recommend, I met Herbalife Coach. Under his guidance and coaching, after using this healthy products for 2 months, my health problems was gone, totally 4 months I lose up to 10KGss!!

While, My husband David, before also overweight with big tummy like "pregnant 5 months"! After using products, he within 3 months only total lose 13KGss!

Thanks Herbalife!! We Love Herbalife.

*Any of your friends or family members or yourself who might interest or have a need to be healthy and change your life, please do recommend or refer to me.

Have you had your shake today??  :)

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